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Aldinn Malasarlaí: the old language, or the language of magic. It is the language used by mages to perform cantrips, incants, and incantations. It can be used as a language or as magic.


Asarlaí: The asarlaí were once great sorcerers in Dragonwall responsible for inventing the old language. A group known as The Five brought dragons to life. Eventually, as dragons proliferated, they drove any remaining asarlaí from Dragonwall. The asarlaí have not been seen in Dragonwall for a long time. Currently, Kane is the only known living Asarlaí.


Dragonstones: There are five dragonstones. These were carved from the first dragons before they were brought to life. Magical in nature, these stones have the power to destroy the entire draconic race, dragons and drengr alike, if brought together. Very little is known about them.


Drengr: The word drengr means dragon warrior in the old language. Drengr are shape shifters who can transform from dragons to humans. They became this way when Queen Isabella blessed dragons with humanity. The commonly known purpose for doing this was to bridge the gap between the dragons and humans in hopes of defeating Rage.


Drengr Fairtheoir, King’s Shields, or Shields: Drengr Fairtheoir mean noble dragon warrior in the old language. After the creation of their rank, commoners often referred to them as shields of the king or king’s shields. Their purpose is to shield the king, to protect him, and to give their lives for him if necessary. As tradition would have it, their oaths are for life, and they take no mates to remain entirely devoted to their king.


Goblin: A goblin is a small creature whose skin is of a greenish hue, with pointed teeth, and greedy personalities. Goblins occupy the land of Pavv. They have been known to raid eastern villages along the range.


Great Stone Raod: A road running beneath the Northern Barrier Range that connects many dwrgish cities together.


Ice Metal: A unique substance found in the mines beneath the Northern Barrier Range. Its properties make it strong enough to pierce dragon scales. It is mined and sold by the dwargs, who are an independent people.


Mage: A person who can do magic using the old language. Mages must study under another trained mage to hone their craft or their magic will be unwieldy and uncontrollable. 


Nask: Someone who is controlled by an evil force, to do the bidding of another. Both Stefan Rosen and Euen Doyle are two known nasks, manipulated to do Kane’s bidding.


Sprite: People of the Gable Forest who were once spirit singers, wanderers who found a home with the King Tree. Sprites are an independent people, with their own ruling government, currently overseen by Queen Jade. Their forest is considered separate land, and does not fall under the drengr monarchy’s rule. They are generally tall, pale skinned, with luminescent tattoos covering their bodies to represent their magical abilities. 


Sverak: A special sword used by the drengr made of ice metal mixed with steel. It is given to a young drengr upon earning their dragon form, around puberty, by their father. It is created with embellishments to match the color of their scales.


The Kalds: Ice giants from Kalderland, a land beyond the Northern Barrier Range. Kald translates to cold giant in the old language. These ice giants are made of black rock ice, and can only be melted by dragon fire. They freeze anything they touch, and their origins lie in dark magic.


The King's Wing: This wing of shields form a V-shaped flight pattern when doing any aerial flying. The king flies at the point, with three shields flanking left and right. 


Vodar: Warden spirits of Undirfold who feed off of evil and malice. In Undirfold, they are the ferriers of souls. They can only enter the world if summoned by powerful magic. They’re said to be faceless and covered in blackness, which consists of dark magic and smoke. This gives them the appearance of cloaked beings. They are skilled swordsmen. They also carry their signature weapon, a knife blade that is infused with poison. 

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