Individual Words (Spriten)
Ednuar is the Sprite Language
[A quick note: This language was invented by me, using inspiration from world languages for sounds. It is not real. I did not recycle it from somewhere. It took hours and a lot of work. Currently, it is not extensive. It is a work in progress. I develop words as I write, for when I need them as part of the story. It is listed here for your amusement. Feel free to have some fun with it.]
A = en
Above = yifah
All (all of it) = stahka
Allow/Grant = canmah
Also = frelika
Am = Ynim
An = oh
And = edah
Apple = menel
Apology (apologetic) = skedirah (skedirahil)
Are = kunyn
At = klah
Bath = balaam
Be = sin
Beautiful = javkain
Be on/be upon = sinah
Before me= mihroi
Believe = medar
Betray = freja
Bid (to coax or command) = naqah
Blind = amdah
Blood = mudah
Bright (brightly) = helloh
But = achen
By = veh
Calm (to be calm/there-there) = getalla
Can = gaan
Can’t (can he/she not) = gaanih
Careful = Varsik
Catch (grasp) = laail
Celebrate (celebrating) = agamaera
Changed = tahalya
Choice = Kihar
Come = callo
Come to pass (begin to fall/ to start) = callohma
Command = skapah
Correct = sahwyr
Daffodil = zahreh
Damage = fradin
Darkness = mortally
Dead/Die/Death = fialmaht
Depart = leyessa
Destruction = fraste
Did = aeth
Do (human) = haan
Do (object) = tah
Doing = Haanik
Done = ano
Earth = fallam
Elements = vahlim
Embrace = hallodah
Enjoy (s) = gethek
Everything = taventa
Expect = eusil
Explain = laryara
Fail =
Faint = lagyu
Fair = brikah
Fall/to fall/ falling = halla / hallah
Farewell = sladaeah
Feet = codah
Fiends = valandur
Fire (bring to flames) = geta ellohdar
Fierce = mirsaah
Flow = akis
Flowers = blathia
Follow = baejah
For = lerah
Forest = morviah
Fountain (your fountain) = seldah (ayah seldah)
Free = jaan
Friends = vynahari
From = eskh
Give = amah
Gods = thevas
Good = heilah
Green = glaha
Green Fire = Lac Alnar (eternal flames)
Greetings (to say hello) = kevjah/kevjahi (plural)
Grow = vahxah
Guard = vamiaah
Have (I have) = saphi (misaphi = mi + saphi)
He = aik
Heart = cralla
Her (hers) = aikah
Him (his) = aiklan
House = modah
Hush/Be quiet = sincid
I = mi
In = ynn
Is = utah
It = luth
Jasmine = asymyn
Just (simply/merely) = baracha
Knees = tayna /taynai
Kneeling = raklende
Know = veraf
Last = khir
Let (allow or may the) = mekvelli
Liar = gadhaah
Liberate = jaanasha
Life = yaa
Like = gethlah
Like this = gethluth
Live = yaat
Look (s)/Appears = bunoh
Lord = droah
Magic = franah
Make = cardah
Marks/markings = lamenah
May = mek
May the = mekvelli
Me = mik
Mean = eani
Meant = eanish
Memory (s) = hukohna(i)
Mine = mikah
Moon = tunil
Moonlight = tunilllia
Much = faldu
Must = cathalla
My = mih
Necessary = gendlla
Needless = gendiah
Never = rihal
New = jad
Night = myrtah
No = ni
Not = nih
Now = anoa
Of = nin
Of course = ninneem
Old = maruah
On (rests on, lives on) = ah
Or = uen
Our (s) = outah/outai
Own = eigah
Past (back in time) = maha
Peace = barah
People = luine
Perhaps = kansylla
Phoenix = yirnik
Pillar = eamtylla
Please = gui
Pretend (ruse/fake) = malioh
Pretty = calinah
Quench Thirst = hafa payst
Queen (’s) = barihon(i)
Quiet = cidia
Reason = alschah
Relief = seamih
Reverse = yaella
Ride = riocah
Root Man = Simeík
Ruler =
Same = fanahs
Safety = sahale
Scale = slahke
See (or see you) = lit (litaya)
Sick = challa
Shadows = itzallia
Shall = fian
Show off = sighir
Sky = loah
So = mayr
Someone = einha/einhr
Sound = juhlah
Spirit Singer / Sprite (en) = Andah Amahlla / Andmalla
Stand/Rise (come forth) = Stalle
Stars = reload
Starting (to start) = haru/haruin
Still = Stenn
Stone = Kehv
Strength = nekahlla
Student = Elam
Surprise = jiasin
Sure = cinaha
Take = nemaloh
Tattoos = lamenah
Teach = Ken
Teacher (respected or revered) = Kenya
Thank you = Shalaya (Shal + aya)
Thing = shaah
Think/believe = thmadar
This = etah
That = sassih
The = ana
Them = sasam
Then =sasian
Their = sasa
There = sasit
These = sasilo
They = sasyia
Time = likah
To = eah
Too = frelikah
Tomorrow = danah
Translate = trighah
True = sah
Truly = sahla
Twinkle = skina
(Un)apologetic = (al)skedirahil
Undo = (al)tah
Use/using = notast / notasth
Vahlim = elements
Very = ain
Voice = rohmme
Wake = astah
Want = irjalla
Was = bih
Water = llayah
We = verah
Will = bei
Will (desire) = beyah
Will not = beinih
Wise = cilhar
Wish = yasklle
With = leh
Welcome (You’re welcome) = Ayah hil
Well = nua
Well Done (good job) = nuah ano
What is (what’s) = (aahm) aahma
Why = cenvor
Word = ormah (i)
Would = ella
Wow = rayi
Yes = neem
Yet = dea
You = aya
Yours = ayas
Your Majesty = Ayas Drollaya