The lower council is an advisory committee that meets with the king as needed. While the king has the right to make the ultimate decision, he is expected to listen to the advice of his council. They are meant bridge the gap between the king and his people. Each member represents a dragondom. It is their job to know and understand the wants and needs of the people within their dragondom. A representative position is for life, and is voted in by the people of the dragondom.
The members of the lower council have residences within the great keep, though they are not expected to live there permanently. They are required to travel between the dragondom they represent, and the capital. Those who represent dragondoms in the north travel much less, as it is a long distance to reach the north by horse, carriage, or ship. They correspond via letter more frequently with the lord governors they represent.
Aside from their meetings with the king, members are expected to attend daily court when they are in attendance in the capital. They have chairs in a designated area to the side of the king’s dais where they observe. They are often called upon to vote on matters at court (similar to a jury in a court room), such that the king understands their stance before he issues a ruling. He may override any advice they offer, but he does so with discretion because the people expect him to take council advice seriously.
Current members of the lower council:
Lord Richard Rosk
Lord Layton Raffe
Lord Ashton Wyndahm
Lord Erwin Glover
Lord Charles Karney
Lord Laurence Barnes
Lord Seth Lawson
Lord Daniel Wood
Lord Douglas Reid
Lord Finlay Murry
Lord Varos Garabed
Lord Sion Aziz
Lady Saffra Ndiaye
Lord Henry Owen
Lord Walter Sharp
Lord Luwai Zaki
Lord Taahir Hash
Lord Abdus Morad
Lord Orosz Bertalan
Lord Tycho Paetus
Former Lord Stefan Rosen (Deceased)
Former Lord Euen Doyle (Deceased)